... who's got the button?
I do!
This huge jar of buttons represents three generations of button hoarders keepers collectors! I have inherited the button baskets that belonged to my grandmother as well as my mother; keep in mind that I already had a very healthy-sized, full, button tin of my own! In an effort to tidy up, organize and consolidate, these buttons now all occupy the same space! This jar itself stands well over a foot tall and is nine and half inches in diameter! Take a guess at how much that many buttons weigh*!
It's become a decorative conversation piece on the desk in my sewing room now, along with the buttons it holds as much sentimental value to me as anything.
In other hot-weather happenings around here:

And another one, same quilt shop different BOM from last year. Timeless with a Twist by Michelle Renee Hiatt for Studio 180. Quilted with Oh, My Feathers pantograph.
As we've continued to clean out cabinets as is necessary with the current, ongoing, kitchen re-do project, I ran across a shelf devoted to candle shades such as this one pictured. I had collected them over the years and used them, seasonally, in decorating spaces here and there around the house. I was going to give them all away, thinking them to be just "one more thing" adding to the clutter. But, I just couldn't do it. I truly love them and each one meant something to me, connecting me with another time and place. Mr. G. reminded me to think about the Japanese Art of Tidying and Marie Kondo's mantra about sparking joy. "If you love them", he said, "keep them. After we're long gone if our children want to toss out or auction off all of our belongings they're free to do that". I took his words to heart. 💗 They're staying.
Moving outdoors: I bare-root save my front porch geraniums over the winter in cardboard boxes in the basement. Come spring, I remove them from their dark storage containers, pot them up with fresh soil and begin watering them in. Here's a side by side for comparison. L: April 1st, R: today. I've been doing this with the same plants for years. Honestly, I didn't think I'd removed them early enough this year (I forgot), I typically start them in March; they did struggle at first but, as you can see, they've done just fine again this year. Phew!
And now, back to that kitchen project: Along with new cabinetry we're replacing our 22+ y.o. appliances. Here's the new dishwasher, someone decided to thoroughly check it out! I asked Mr. G what cycle he thought I should use on a load like this one. His reply "A short one!"
*So, did you hazard a guess as to how much "three-generations of buttons" jar weighs?
21 lbs!
That's a LOT of buttons.
Life is Good!
i wouldn't have guessed that much...i am a serial declutterer but mr g's advice is good...i have sold things because i needed money and now wish i hadn't...so i keep what i like but make sure what i don't gets tossed/donated. ultimately it's all just stuff but brings joy in the memories...i've sat with my daughter and we've culled stuff now, much easier task...
I keep my Gluten Free flour in a big glass canister like that, and I know they are heavy, but they are much heavier full of buttons than they are when full of flour. :)
Two beautiful quilt finishes.
I'm glad you kept the candle shades. I have things that make no sense to keep, other than they make me smile whenever I look their way.
My mother always saved her geraniums bare root over winter. I tried to follow her example, but I wasn't successful like she was--and like you are. They look so happy and healthy now.
Good answer from hubby on the cycle you should use. LOL
I love your button jar, it does look like such a conversation piece. I recently gave all my vintage buttons to my daughter, and now I'm beginning to have regrets!
Hope you're having a great week
The button container is beautiful and a real conversation piece! But are you going to be able to find buttons in it to use? That will require an awful lot of sifting around!
I didn't know about bare rooting geraniums. I'm not sure if I understand the process but yours are proof that it works!
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