To pass the time I have organized my embroidery floss by brand and type. Something I have wanted needed to do but never wanted to stop and take the time to accomplish. Now it's done.
Our Stitch Club met here and this fella thought that Quiltkeemosabe's tote bag made the most comfortable bed. They came bearing books and magazines which have been great to peruse this past week while I'm healing; such a welcome way to while away a few hours.
The kitchen re-do project continues with backsplash. We loved this herringbone pattern, the tiles are 1" X 3". Apparently they're a BEAR to cut. 😬
We had our two grandchildren last weekend.
Gregory did a fine job as a stand-in acolyte at church.
In an effort to do less physical activities we watched movies together Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon; it's a BIG challenge to find something that an almost 13 year old and an nearly 11 year old haven't seen before, but is also is appropriate and grabs their interest. These were all good ones! I've got more to share in the next few days. I hope to try some machine piecing over this weekend and may get back to the longarm too; we'll see. Life moves on, a day at a time, and if we're lucky we learn new things along the way; it's all good.
Life is Good!
Oh yes new ortho doodads make tasks easier...i had a leg sleeve to take a shower...yikes gregory is so grown! Glad you are finding tasks to keep busy!
So sorry you broke that bone. How you have adapted and kept such a positive attitude is a real inspiration! Thank you for sharing the frustrations and ways you have met them. And your kitchen renovation is looking gorgeous!
I appreciate the recommendations of things that have made your rehab mote doable. Never know when they may come in handy. You do seem to be finding good ways to fill your time when you can't do your "usuals".
Lovely that your group could come to you, and bring lots of reading material/distractions.
Your backsplash is beautiful. Is hubby doing it, or are you paying someone else to handle the difficult cutting? ;)
My, how those kids grow up in a flash!
Thanks be to God that your healing is going along on schedule. There are so many things to learn when we are put on hold and not just new rehab skills but also skills of the heart too!
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