When I was here I reported on my klutziness around the vacuum cleaner hose which tripped me up and caused a quick trip straight to the floor with my left arm taking the brunt of the impact. A three part fracture of the proximal humerus sidelined me for the past seven+ weeks. A new normal ensued, temporarily. But, as of today.. I'm back!
We made a quick trip up north to celebrate with my Dad on his 96th birthday.
...a time to laugh...
At this same time my mother was hospitalized and has since been moved to a care facility for rehabilitation. It's been a struggle for her, physically, and for all of us, emotionally. And yet, through it all, God has been faithful and present. Her grim prognosis has turned around and now she is preparing to return back home late next week, with in-home care.
...a time to break down and a time to build up...
During all of this time a dear friend from church has relocated to the other side of the country. She painted a portrait of Augie and presented this wonderful gift to us before she left. She found us at a vulnerable time in her life and we're all the richer for having known her, even for a short time. She's deeply missed but we rejoice for her in this new adventure!
...a time to seek, and a time to lose...
After much physical therapy (which continues) I am able to, once again, operate Snowbird. It was the long, sweeping movements of the longarm which I had to gain back. There were some frustrating mis-steps along the way, some serious frogging(!), but I was determined!
...a time to tear and a time to sew...
And, day by day, week by week, season by season our God is a faithful God.
How else can you explain the miracle of strawberries?
I'm back, and will resume what have become my all too sporadic postings: I've got lots to show and tell. If you would, please remember my sweet Mom and Dad in prayer as they readjust to their new normal; know that I'm thankful for all of you.
Life is Good!
life has many seasons...so thankful to God for your mom's turn around...prayers answered in abundance...continuing for them both...
Will certainly keep your parents lifted in prayer!
What a roller coaster you have been on of late. Good to see you are getting back to things.
Welcome back - prayers for your parents and do keep up with the PT as it will help YOU now and in the long run.
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