27 January, 2025

9-Patchtastic and Other Diversions

Back in "the day" (2012) Moda Fabrics hosted a "Bakeshop" Blog that included wonderful, free to download, patterns each week. One of my favorites was a pattern that utilized Layer Cakes, those stacks of 40+ ten inch square pieces comprising an entire fabric line, it was called 9-Patchtastic. I pieced this one at that time; here it is pictured on the quilting frame last week, it had hung as a completed flimsy long enough! You can click on the hyperlink above to find more free patterns from precuts, I can't seem to find this particular one anymore though. In mid-December my dear friend helped me to choose a backing fabric and I was good to go. (Or sew I thought, at the time.) Life intervened. It is now quilted (Allover Holly pantograph by Lorien Quilting), named (Home for Christmas), trimmed and bound.
At the same time that we chose the backing fabric my brilliant friend had a perfect suggestion for the binding.
A candy cane stripe!
Binding attached, hand-basted in place and ready for finishing. It's not too late, it's ready ahead of time!
Lately "Summer Sweets" has occupying my hands in the evenings. 
How are you keeping busy these winter days~ and evenings?
Life is Good!


cityquilter grace said...

perfect and ready in plenty of time....very pretty stitchery....me i'm quilting, sewing, basting....repeat

Carol K said...

The quilt looks great! I couldn't find a pdf for 9-Patchtastic, but found this tutorial: https://modafabrics.wordpress.com/2009/05/02/9-patchtastic-quilt/#comments . This would make a great scrap quilt.