I am a member of a Bee, the "Miss Bee Havens", a small quilt group that meets once a month in each other's homes. We've been meeting for over five years and have celebrated many occasions with each other along the way. One of our members had a surprise "milestone" birthday party on Saturday night, our Bee was included on the guest list. There was absolutely no doubt what she would receive from us, we only had to settle on a pattern! In addition to long banquet tables laden with food, an autograph table was set up at the soiree with a colorful assortment of album blocks made from bright batiks. Everyone, old and young, loved the idea of their names and birthday wishes being immortalized on a future quilt!

My dear son-in-law told me that his favorite parties are pot luck affairs.
My favorite parties are ones where quilts are born! Our Bee member was thrilled and surprised when she arrived to find her friends and family gathered to honor her. She was positively gleeful when she discovered the quilt block signing table! It's what we do.

It's a Bee Benefit!
Life is good!
Beautiful! I'm so happy for your friend, to be surrounded by lovely souls! Life is good! Thanks for sharing!
I have a couple of sets of signature blocks with that pattern. There are so many beautiful settings for it.
I'm glad you have a good quilting group, and you are all so sweet for making these blocks and being excited about them.
What a perfect gift for your friend. A lovely idea, to have everyone sign the quilt.
What a beautiful gift, she will cherish it forever, the perfect gift for a patchwork friend.
Love those bright fabrics! Did the group have them all made up and ready to sign?
Oh, what a beautiful gift. The colors in those blocks are just so bright and cheery!
This gift is beautiful. It's a great idea.
ciao ciao
What a wonderful memory gift for your friend!
Oh that's a delightful event! I'm wishing that I would be so lucky!
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