19 November, 2011

A VERY Busy Week Gone By...

Some of you have asked where I've been. I've been here; we had a very busy little visitor for the better part of last week. After he went to bed at night Nana crashed. This will give you an idea. So sweet. So busy!!
Life is Good!


Anne Heidi said...

What a cutie- and very busy indeed- I get tired just thinking about it! I am sure your week was filled with joy though!

Nane said...

I figured you were up to something fun....

Quiltdivajulie said...

What a perfectly wonderful excuse to be away from the computer!!

Edith said...

Too cute and way too busy! Wonder where he gets that from? I especially liked his response to "want to go fast?"

LizA. said...

He IS a busy little boy. I'm sure he kept you on your toes. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Janet O. said...

So much fun, but so exhausting! This is a big reason why we have children when we are young. He is too cute!

Salem Stitcher said...

Too cute! I bet you are exhausted!

Pat said...

Crashed? I would have been comatose. You really forget how busy these little ones can be! Precious memories, though!