29 December, 2020

2020 Round Up

Here's just a sampling of quilts done this year. My guiding word for the year was "VISION". Vision to see clearly: to look at what I had on hand and how I could utilize my stash to make and finish up more quilts. In addition to these (above) I have a sizable queue of  "to be quilteds" ready to go when the much anticipated roll of batting (finally) arrives. 
Early in January I rolled out the die cutter and made piles of neatly cut usable shapes from the scrap basket. I had plenty to work with and utilized much of what is contained in these stacks as the projects were completed and checked off. I'm pleased with what I accomplished. Actually, when I went back to pull pictures from each month I am even a little surprised at how much I got done. The one thing, naturally, that I never saw coming when I chose the word was a pandemic and a stay at home order. That did up the productivity considerably around here. These quilts (above) were the keepers. 

There were also donation quilts. And there were masks...and masks... and masks. Just a few:
There were many other gifts sewn and from-scratch baking was done, my bread machine saw more service this past year than it has in the last five. I did more quilting for friends this year than I've ever done. Reading became a highlight too: D.EA.R. (Drop Everything And Read) time became a precedent in the late afternoon every day. And SEW it continues... right down to the wire as this year comes to a close. I'm still working out of my stash, I will finish up at least one more scrappy donation quilt before the ball drops on New Year's.  I'm already working on carefully choosing a new guiding word for 2021. I hope to be able to equally diligent going forward with that endeavor, it's an exciting prospect. Wish me luck.

Life is Good!


Sherrill said...

WOW!! You've gotten a lot accomplished this year. I've made lots of masks and have gotten a few quilts to flimsy stage but have not dropped any at the quilter's. I've gotten a couple of backs made so the plan is to ready more and have several to go get quilted! That's the plan anyway! ;-)

Quiltdivajulie said...

You have been B-U-S-Y with beautiful results.

AnnieO said...

How wonderful to have spent so much time with needle and thread and variety of scraps. Scrappy is best in my book and you did a fantastic job with your focus word. Best wishes for more fabric play in the New Year

cityquilter grace said...

an impressive post....yes, virginia, this has been a very good year in many respects! as always, looking forward to a new year and more quilty fun!

Panto Pam said...

Wow! You have been a quilting machine this year! That's great you were able to cut and utilize your scraps. I love using my dies to make quilts. I thought my bread machine was long gone, but found it earlier in the year while cleaning out the attic. I have yet to find a good basic bread to make that doesn't go bad in a day. Do you mind sharing some of your recipes? Thanks for all the inspiration you share with us!

Ramona said...

Your finishes are beautiful. It has been a productive year in the kitchen and the sewing room for a lot of us. Your time spent at home was put to good use.

Tanya said...

Great showing for the year! You made a lot of people happy with your quilts and of course you made your blog friends happy showing us what all can be accomplished!