03 August, 2021

Fast-Forward Fourteen

It only took FOURTEEN years for these blocks to make it to the finished flimsy stage! Yep, I know that's how long it’s been because I looked it up; this was a block of the month project that occurred in 2007! 😲 I have a large plastic bin in the bottom of the stash closet, it contains more "antique" treasures too! Last week I dragged that bin out into the light of day and emptied its contents onto my sewing table. 
Here is what was awaiting me as I pawed through, what seemed like, years of my quilting life; six sets of unset blocks from BOM programs at my local quilt shop. The quilt pictured on top from 2007 wasn't the only one that I did blocks for that year, oh no; I also did what was known as the "traditional colorway" and piled those blocks up too! They're in the #3 pile above; this BOM was the "Hidden Stars Sampler", done with templates by Marti Michell, I have all the matching setting fabric neatly bundled together with the finished blocks which certainly makes bringing them to that all-important "flimsy" stage that much easier. Group #1, above, was a program entitled "Creative Options"; those are relative newcomers to the bin, they're from 2015, only six years old. The black/bright blocks in stack #4 are from 2011; I don't have any setting fabric from those but I do have the fabric and pattern for two additional blocks as I'd only completed ten. Why? Who knows, that was ten years ago! The mounds of blocks numbered #2 and #5 are harder to put exact dates to, they're VERY old; at least fifteen years have passed since I started those. The mound of fabric and blocks identified as #6 are red and white "trial" blocks from other projects, they've been collected over the years as I've experimented with  new patterns. So, here's the plan: none of them are going back into the shadows of the closet! The bin is now empty and it will remain that way. These UFO's have seen the light (as have their maker) and each is destined to make it into the "finished" column ASAP. From there; who knows, one step at a time. They've been sitting this long, clearly there's no identified destination. 
Progress report: "Summer Stars" has been loaded onto the rails for quilting. Unlike fine wine, flimsies don't necessarily improve with age; but, what does increase their value is to be quilted, bound and done!  And sew it goes... "instant" vintage! πŸ˜‰ 

Life is Good!
Finished is GREAT!!


Krisquilter said...

Very Inspirational post. Now is as good a time as any to get them done. I'm making my stash of block of the month blocks my next project!

cityquilter grace said...

wow hidden treasures seeing the light....priceless! looks like a beautiful pile that'll become beautiful quilts...

Sherrill said...

Beautiful finish. Love the striped border and the mitered corners are perfection!!! Can't wait to see more.

quiltmom anna said...

You are a woman after my own heart Debra. This summer I have completed two flimsies that have been around from two workshops that I did around 2012-2013- now to spray baste them so they can get quilted. I have pulled out a tumbling blocks- I'm guessing 2007-9 and another quilt that is 2011 ish. They are all taking up space, and not getting any younger, so it is time to get them finished.There is still a few more unfinished pieces in my closet, so we shall see how I progress.
I am sure that all your finished pieces will be beautiful as you create beautiful pieces. Wishing you much success on the completion of your vintage quilts.
Warmest regards, Anna

Ramona said...

This is what moving did for me.... made me pull out every single thing in my quilting room and see just how much I have and just how many things haven't been finished. At least we aren't alone! I look forward to seeing your various finishes from this bin. I love the almost finish you have on your long arm.

Mama Spark said...

Ah the ufo pile! I think we all have these. You make me want to dig back into mine. Seems like I always have so many “have to” projects to do first though. After I get my latest pattern test project finished it’s my plan to dig in again. Great post!

jude's page said...

Looks like you won't be coming out of your quilting space for awhile with all those projects you are determined to get done. I also have a few (more than a few) waiting for one day, when I can do more of my own things and not customers!! Not sure when though!

Quilter Kim said...

I can relate as I am emptying totes and trying to organize into plastic drawer units. Many, many old(vintage) kits and blocks of the month and orphan blocks to complete. I will keep plugging away at them. Thanks for the inspiration!

Tanya said...

A treasure chest! I gave a whole box of my unfinished blocks to a young quilting friend and she seems to be making lots of cushions and table toppers out of them. I got the guilt out from under me and she got some colorful projects to think about!