We were treated to a low-country "griddle"; it was delicious, every. last. bite; we had a great time!

When we left the house to drive there we passed beneath this flag flying at a local fire station, honoring the anniversary of September 11; it brought a lump to my throat to see this level of patriotism. No, we'll never forget!

We met these two when we arrived, they escorted us in, leading the way to their campsite on new bikes! They're squeezing every bit of fun out of these waning days of summer-like weather.
It looks like the warm days will hang around a bit longer around here, this week shows no immediate relief despite the days getting shorter. Giving in, with a nod toward fall (Chrysanthemums and a hot meal at noontime), I made up another big batch of homemade tomato soup for lunch today, thanks to a church friend who's sharing his bumper-crop of remaining summer goodies; those generous tomato plants just keep on giving!
Life is Good!
soup looks deelish! we are squeezing every bit of summer out of the days as well
Being with family is the best. Your meals look delicious. :)
Looks like delightful family memories being created.
And that soup does look good. I saved the recipe, but haven't attempted it yet.
What fun for your grandchildren to be seeing things in person! It is quite a switch from studying things in books. I guess online learning can be a real boost if the parents' schedules can be flexible too.
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