In this photo are the three amigas, we were the very best of friends in high school and always look forward to reconnecting; given any opportunity! Mr. G and I sat and visited, and ate, with our old friends and classmates as if time had stood still. At our dinner table stories were told that I'd never heard before, tales that have stood the test of time! We were so impressed by the organization of the reunion committee: there was no stone unturned, every. single. detail. was attended to and expertly implemented to ensure the best reunion ever! My heart is so full; even now, almost two weeks later, from classmates that I spoke with and their stories. I'm was so inspired and proud to learn of amazing lives and careers from folks that I grew up with as well as saddened to realize the loss of thirty eight members of our class of '71; gone much too soon! All of a sudden, it seemed, the evening came to a close; I don't know why I was shocked when I looked at my watch, that should have come as no surprise since it seemed like the last five decades had just passed by in the blink of an eye. I am left warmed by rekindled friendships and hilarious stories of days gone by; some of which I am still laughing over now.
We truly had the very best time; even if we did have to wear our high school pictures pinned to ourselves to be recognized! (Someone ought to tell graduating seniors that the TRUE "permanent record" that follows you for the rest of your days is your yearbook portrait!)
A flowerpot of souvenirs followed us home...
...as well as happy memories to last a lifetime!
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Well done, class of '71; well done!
Life is Good!
So glad you had such a wonderful experience - our class of '71 did not hold a fiftieth (or if they did, I didn't hear about it). But then, I had never attended any previous ones due to distance/timing. They did collect stories and bio updates for the 40th but then never distributed the collection to those of us who shared updates. Clearly they were not as well organized as your class!
looks like a smashing good time with the weather cooperating too! hope you got some of those delish clams while you were there....
Looks like a fun time was had by all! My 50th is next year but given I've yet to attend one to date, I won't be going to the 50th either. I never kept track of anyone that I graduated with so no reason to attend. Glad you two had fun!
How lucky you are to have a class that has stayed connected. Looks like a lovely time.
I only attended one of my class reunions and have not been back. My 45th was supposed to be last year, but with COVID they moved it to this year. My husband's 50th is this year, but he has never attended any of his. We have stayed a little more connected to the people we met in college.
Looks like a great reunion! I wish our class would have one!
What a nice way to celebrate. I don't know if anyone would even be INTERESTED in my high school class. I guess we weren't too close to begin with.
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