15 December, 2021

Around the House

I started decorating around the house, earlier this month, by hanging the "Stitch Pink Christmas" (my version made up in traditional Christmas fabrics) quilt out on the porch. I finished the quilting on this one in January, it's the first time it's been hung! I love it! From there on it was full speed ahead with the decorations, inside and out. 
I got the Christmas dishes placed in the kitchen cabinet, although this task wasn't without incident. 
You know how it goes- you get on a roll and think "as long as I'm doing this, why don't I take all the dishes down and clean and dust the shelves..."  😞 This beloved platter (all the more so now because I can't find a replacement, even at Replacements Ltd!) didn't make it. Sadly, I've learned what the limit is on those shelf pins. Let's just say we've replaced the shelf pins with all metal ones, the plastic ones have their limits. I was super lucky that the loss here wasn't any worse.
The tree's up and decorated in the family room.
A few Christmas gifts have been finished and wrapped.
Mr. G. and I took a little ride out to one of our favorite greenhouses, this one specializes in Poinsettias . We love to walk through the racks and see all the new varieties, this one with the rounded leaves was gorgeous!
However, change comes slowly to us; we brought a traditional one home with us. Little did we know, until we got there, that this small town was about to have their annual Christmas parade! By the time we made our Poinsettia selection, paid for it and got back in the car, the streets were lined with hundreds of spectators. My idea of stopping for lunch on the way home was thwarted, we were lucky to get out when we did without being part of the parade!
It's beginning to look a lot... well, you know. Not one cookie has been baked yet, though.
Today could be the day. 
 Life is Good!


Angie said...

Absolutely beautiful!! The whole house!! Can I please come and spend Christmas with you?? No decorations here this year because of, well, you know---3 kittens!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I have never seen a poinsettia with rounded petals - SO pretty!

Mary Etherington said...

Rounded poinsettia? Nothing would hold a candle to your gorgeous home!

Little Penpen said...

I love the pillows! Merry Christmas!

Emma's Daughter said...

I love the peace on earth pillow. Is there a pattern? Rcoyle@olemiss.edu

cityquilter grace said...

lovely decorations and sorry about the casualty...i had the same issue with a previous shelving for fabric...alas fabric doesn't break tho...

Janet O. said...

Oh, it looks cozy and Christmas-y at your home, in spite of the unfortunate mishap. Beautiful tree!!
Well, at least you didn't become part of the parade. Not the "15 minutes of fame" you would want, I'm sure. ;)
I hope you will show us your cookies, when they are frosted and beautiful. You do such a lovely job.

Tanya said...

Too bad about the broken plate but so glad it wasn't worse.

Your pillow gifts are beautiful! Lucky recipient!