05 August, 2022

Piling Up...

It's that time of year again. Nap Blankets are being collected and piling up for delivery, a small group of dedicated friends and I have been supplying this effort now for twelve years. In 2010 our group adopted the elementary school where our daughter-in-law was teaching at that time. We have been making 45 nap blankets a year since then, furnishing three classrooms of fifteen Pre-kindergarteners each August in time for the first day of school. Each blanket contains two yards of fabric: that's 90 yards a year, or 1,080 total yards that we've transformed into blankets for these little nappers.
The program is described as follows: 
Nap Blankets is a project started for the first time in July, 2009. This project supports the “Equity Plus Schools” program in Forsyth County, providing hand-made blankets to pre-schoolers to use during the school year. At the end of the school year, the children get to keep their blanket as their own. 
There is great joy, for everyone in our group, connected with shopping for child-friendly fabrics during the year and stitching up these quick-to-make coverings. We plan time together to accomplish this task, something we all look forward to. But, nothing beats receiving an email from the teachers after the school year is underway, with photos of sweet, smiling faces all lined up clutching their chosen nap blankets. They become cherished, prized possessions for these little ones!
Over a thousand yards of fabric since 2010! Wow!
...and to think that it all began one nap blanket at a time.
Life is Good!


Kyle said...

Wow!! That's an incredible project and dedication

cityquilter grace said...

true labor of love!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I have several yards of Mammoth plaid flannel - could you use that? It was excess from the backing of my quilt named Dulcet.

sewyouquilt2 said...

Nice project. Good job

Tanya said...

What a wonderful service project. I'd love to see one of the blankets unfurled.