09 March, 2024


How'd this happen so fast? I'm not quite ready to give up an hour of AM sleep yet. Seems like we just "fell back", didn't we? Sigh.
I've said for a long time that Augie has "cat-like" tendencies but this proves it! First of all, let me explain that "NO", he's not allowed to get on the end table! I found him curled up here one day last month. He's looking at me as if to say "what, there's nothing to see here!" He is a funny little dog; we love him all the more because of it, never a dull moment. 
These were found during my recent cross-stitch shopping excursion. I'm really excited to begin this one 🍓; it's only appropriate since I've had a finish this week! 

I can work on it with that "extra" hour we're gaining, right?
Life is Good!


NeverBored said...

I think Augie just wanted the comfort of lying on something quilted, regardless of where it was !

cityquilter grace said...

oh yes the strawberry stitchery is perfect for you! and yeah where DID that hour go anyway?

dq said...

Ya, I really wish we could have an extra hour every day - ha ha. Enjoy your new cross stitch purchase.

Janet O. said...

That photo of Augie made me laugh. Your description of his attitude appears to be spot on.
That is a beautiful cross-stitch sampler.