Monday was the day; it was time to fly! Not only the Bluebirds but also the baby birds who'd been raised in the nest perched atop the flood light under the eaves! Mr. Goodneedle kept asking me if the babies had left their nests yet and I told him I wasn't quite sure. Monday left little doubt that the time was at hand. I stepped outside to be greeted with loud bird calls and constant "fly overs" (close to my head); I was being warned that things were happening. Augie and I watched, for approximately thirty minutes, (from the safety of the side porch) as those babies were beckoned out of the nest and, one by one, played peek-a-boo before testing out their wings and taking that first, BIG, step. Within moments they were in the air. It was a privilege to behold. Quiet returned and I stepped outside once again to reposition the sprinkler in my perennial garden. This time I had only been back inside for a few minutes when there was the loudest crack followed by a thundering crash! It took a moment to realize what had happened, I looked out the door, the one that I had just used, to now see nothing now but limbs and leaves; a tree had fallen across the garden and onto our roof! Seriously, where I had been standing only a short time before! I'm still suffering from post-TREE-matic stress over this occurrence. I suppose this tree thought it was time to fly too! This shot was taken after we'd cleaned up the limbs and branches; you can see the dents in the gutter above the side porch where the impact occurred. There was no wind or rain whatsoever, it was a fluke happening on a still and hot, dry day.
After it had been sawed up and moved. Take note of the stump where it broke off about three feet above the ground. The trunk itself was undeniably dead but, because of the green at the top, and until it fell, that fact had escaped our notice entirely.
All thanks and praise to HIM who sees
all and protects each of us (even those baby birds) from harm.
Life is Good!
What a delight!!
thanks indeed...happened to us during a new england hurricane...80 foot pine tree came down and fell right between house and garage...minimal fence damage but all structures safe...i believe God just set that old tree right down easy...
Wow, you must be living right! That tree could have done so much more damage.
No one can “stump” God. Glad all worked out well.
Dotti in CT
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