Back to school happens here next week (already!), those of you who've been readers here know that back to school means "nap blanket" time for the Pre-K program at the local elementary school that our small group of quilters has adopted. We've been supplying three classes with a total of 45 nap blankets each year for somewhere in the vicinity of the last fourteen years now! Made from bright, colorful, child-friendly fabrics they're always a huge hit with the teachers and students alike!
This year, as in years past, we've taken our machines to a friend's sewing space for a full work-day to accomplish this task. Quiltkeemosabe brought her new-to-her vintage Singer 301 this time. I didn't realize that these in-cabinet models are designed to be lifted out easily and can double as portables! Live and learn! Of course, I came home and opened out the cabinet where Ruth resides to discover that, yes, mine can also perform that exact same feat! It's been a while since I spent quality time with Ruth. You can read how I came to inherit her by clicking the red, highlighted, name Ruth, above. I stitched up another nap blanket and she purred like a kitten. I feel like my precious mother-in-law is watching over me every time that I sew on her. 💗
I guess she's not the only one! 😂
More treasures discovered in Ruth's cabinet drawers. Mom saved these along with buttons in an antique tin that, at one time, held loose tea. Do you remember these perfect attendance awards for Sunday school and the like?
That's a quick glimpse into a few happenings around here lately. Our daughter's beagle, Buddy, is visiting. He and Augie get along just fine. On day one they rested in their respective beds.
On day two they decided to swap beds!?!! "The grass is always greener" I suppose.
And here's where things stand today! They've certainly enjoyed resting in the sewing room while I'm keeping myself entertained in here. So, back to the beginning and that photo at the top: the bar stools pictured are all hand made by Mr. Goodneedle. It's been his summer project. Constructed from hard maple to match the cabinetry in the kitchen each one weighs almost 16 pounds! They're quite substantial. He has one more in the works and then they'll all be sprayed and finished and ready to supply plenty of room to sit at the kitchen island; pull one up, take a seat~
Life is Good!
ah those old singer machines are worth their weight, double in fact, in gold....my sunny circa 1961 came to us as a portable...on the prowl for a free cabinet for her...she too purrs along endlessly! gosh school again soon? and lovely stools...if he gets bored i have a few project ideas....LOL
nice sewing machines usa digitizers nice blog !!@!!!@!!!
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