04 April, 2020


 R.A.K.= Random Acts of Kindness-- they're alive and well, and they're happening all around us. It's especially heartwarming to reflect on these today. Specifically, this one pictured. A few months ago I received an email from an unknown (to me!) lady in Texas, she had seen my blog post from almost a year ago showing some thread-catchers that I made with a link in the post to the source. Apparently the source is no longer a viable link and this lady wondered if I had, by any chance, saved the directions in written form.  She was in luck; I had! We exchanged a few more emails and I was able to provide her with the directions that she needed. Fast forward to a few weeks ago... Mr. G. came in from the mailbox with a fat, padded envelope and what should be inside? Yes, this thread catcher-- FOR ME! You can imagine my surprise and delight. These are nice-- they're super lightweight, fully lined and roomy inside. I use this one, my "Texas Thread Catcher" at the longarm. It rides along on top as I quilt and is SEW handy for holding all the thread ends. I'm currently quilting a custom quilt and this has been such a joy to use as I progress. Each time that I use it my heart is warmed just thinking about how it just came-- unexpected, undeserved, but fully here. That's what grace is: an unwarranted gift received by no other means but possessing faith. I do have faith- in people, God's people; performing unexpected acts of kindness! It might be a precious gift of a  little sewing tin sent spontaneously from another stranger as a gift for my granddaughter. It might be emails received from readers thanking me for continuing to post on this humble little blog. It's all grace-- it's all kindness raining down. I am blessed and I am oh, so grateful. This morning I listened to GOOD NEWS about innovators and people taking initiative in new and unheard-of-before ways to help during this current health crisis; just look at the million mask challenge!. It's all kindness, it's pouring out; it can't be contained, people WANT and NEED to help! You've undoubtedly heard of RAKs in your own neighborhoods this past week. Thanks be to God for GOOD NEWS-- as we head into Holy Week tomorrow let's remember all of the good news and kind acts around us and focus our gratitude on those. I, for one, am deeply grateful for the kindness that dwells within, for grace and for the good that I see going on all around me; I hope to be used as an instrument, in some small way, to make a difference right here, right now.
"But I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more." -Psalm 71:14

Adapting in an upside down🙃 world: I hit on this, to an extent, yesterday. Control what you can. For me, sticking to a normal routine of waking, showering, dressing, hair, make-up, my customary get-ready-for-the day drill; it keeps me on an even keel. Feeling good about myself affects every aspect of the rest of my day, even if each and every day seems exactly the same. Stay safe and healthy - wash your hands! 🧼
Life is Good!

Up next: Palm Sunday 


cityquilter grace said...

yes some routine is necessary in a constantly changing atmosphere...so thankful for the ordinary mundane in a time of surrounding chaos...

Deborah said...

Your thread catcher is such a great reminder of kindness. Thanks for your blog. I enjoy it and especially now during difficult days. It calms my heart to read what my blog friends are doing and lets me know that life does continue. It is just a bit different for the time being.

Lindah said...

Reading about your RAK received was a blessing to me!
Blessed Easter to you and yours.

jude's page said...

Wow, an amazing post, so relevant for our world today, Thank you.