It's officially fall; the leaves are turning color and falling with a fury, the big yellow school buses are slowing down traffic twice a day again and it's time for new classes. I haven't been out raking yet and I do my best to avoid running errands when school is starting or dismissing but I am enrolled in new classes, two to be exact; the new Blocks-of-the Month at our LQS. I haven't quilted up the two flimsies that I got together over the summer from last year's offerings but I'm as eager as ever to get started on the new ones! Another "school year" begins! The classes are both samplers, completely different patterns and techniques. This is block one from the first class. It went together so well that I made three! Yes, three. All the same except for the size. The pattern calls for a fifteen inch block; I wondered, though, how would it look as a ten inch block? Hmmm... I liked it. But then, if ten inch was good, how about five inches? Even better! I love it!
I'm not sure yet how I will proceed as the year goes on, if I'll continue with multiple sizes or not, but this really was fun to try! The second Block-of-the-Month class begins tomorrow. I'm excited to begin.

Thank you all for your kind words and sympathetic comments following Hannes' passing. It's been tough each and every day. Slowly, the lasting memories of funny moments and happy times with him are being recalled and do help to ease the hurt in our hearts, the one place where he'll always live on. We miss his physical presence, I still find myself getting up to let him out or thinking about getting his dinner ready; daily life has a new routine now, it's all taking some getting used to. We were lucky, he was a great dog who was dearly loved, a feeling that was reciprocated for over eighteen years. 💗
Life is Good!

Oh, Debbie! I missed your previous post about Hannes. So sorry you’re missing a very well loved member of the family. Hugs!
Fall brings all kinds of activities, raking leaves, trying to avoid a school bus and starting new classes. Have fun. Your first blocks are sweet, love the little 5 incher
Isn't it fun to shrink blocks? I love what you have done here, and those fabrics make a really crisp looking block.
It really takes a while for those reflexes to be unlearned, when a beloved family member leaves us, doesn't it?
The blocks are beautiful. Still thinking of you as you adjust to life without your sweet Hannes.
Your blocks are so pretty in each size. I’m so sorry to read about your beloved pup. They have a way of worming into our hearts forever. Life definitely changes when they are gone.
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